What is NENA Company ID?
The National Emergency Number Association (NENA) Company ID in the 911 Automatic Location Identification (ALI) record allows the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) to quickly identify the Access Infrastructure Provider and/or Data Provider for the caller’s phone number, and determine the 24/7 number of the company for emergency contact needs. Bandwidth requires a NENA Company ID because multiple PSAPs throughout the country require those IDs to be sent along with the address at the time of a 911 call.
If you're a Bandwidth customer, you must register with NENA so that a PSAP can quickly contact your company in case of service-impacting issues, misroutes, or address discrepancies. A NENA Company ID is an added layer of protection for your end users and customers to whom you provide services.
To remain in compliance and secure a NENA Company ID, please complete the NENA CID Application Form on the NENA's website. Typically it takes about 5-7 business days for NENA to return your ID, at which point your organization will be listed in the NENA database.
Note: The 3-5 character Company Identifier (CID) you set upon submission will become your NENA Company ID. Once the NENA Company ID has been processed and assigned, NENA will invoice the company for the applicable annual fee. For telecommunications entities with 0 to 24999 access lines under their control, the annual fee is $255 annually.
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