How do I use the Delivery page?

Emma Bradley


Delivery is a Messaging Insights page that allows you to monitor your messaging delivery, investigate messaging errors, and identify numbers with a high number of errors. Delivery data is updated hourly.

Accessing the Delivery page

  1. Log in to the Bandwidth App.
  2. In the side navigation bar, select Insights and click Messaging.
  3. Select Delivery.

Note: If you don't have access to the Messaging tab, please contact your Account Admin to enable the Messaging Insights role associated with your user on your account.


Using the Region drop-down menu

The Region drop-down menu allows you to filter your message data by one of the following data origins. Please note that US: North America is selected by default. As you expand your messaging services into Europe or choose to leverage our Alphanumeric messaging services, you’ll be able to select the EU: Europe option to see all message data for those services.

  • US: North America All message data from the message is originating from the US or Canada. This means that if the From number is US or Canadian on Outbound messages, or the To Number is US or Canadian on Inbound messages, the message data will be automatically available when selected. 
  • EU: Europe All message data from the message is originating from Europe, Australia, or Alphanumeric messages. This means that if the From number is European, Australian, or Alphanumeric on Outbound Messages, or the To Number is European or Australian on Inbound messages, the message data will be automatically available when selected.


Using filters

Filters allow you to control which delivery data you want to see and how you want it to be displayed. Here's how you can use them:

  1. Refine your delivery data using the following required filters:
    • Under Direction, select the traffic type:
      • Outbound: Display messages sent from Bandwidth. This option is selected by default.
      • Inbound: Display messages sent to Bandwidth.
    • Under Rate Type, select the rate type:
      • Delivery Rate: Display the percentage of traffic that was delivered (calculated by Total Delivered + Sent Messages / Total Messages). This option is selected by default.
      • Error Rate: Display the percentage of traffic that failed or was undelivered (calculated by total Failed + Undelivered messages / Total Messages).
    • Under Breakdown, select the delivery type: 
      • Message Type: Display delivery by message type. This option is selected by default.
      • Carrier: Display delivery by carrier. Most major US and Canadian carriers can be associated with messaging delivery. If no carrier can be identified, it will be listed as Other on the graph.
      • Product: Display delivery by messaging product.
      • Error: Display delivery by error.
    • Under Time Range, select the time range you're interested in. Today is selected by default, but you can choose any of the available options in the drop-down menu or click Custom to pick specific start and end dates. Please note that the maximum time range is 13 months. 
  1. Click Advanced Filters to further refine your delivery data using the following optional filters:
    • Campaign ID: Display delivery associated with a specific campaign on your account. You can enter only one Campaign ID at a time. 
    • From Number(s): Display delivery associated with specific sending number(s). You can enter up to 10 numbers at a time. 
    • To Number(s): Display delivery associated with specific receiving number(s). You can enter up to 10 numbers at a time.
    • Timezone: Select the timezone in which you want the delivery data to be displayed. This will match your browser settings by default, but you can adjust it as needed.
    • Product(s): Display delivery associated with specific messaging product(s). You can select multiple products at a time.
    • Message Type: Display delivery associated with a specific message type. You can select either SMS or MMS.
    • Error(s): Display delivery associated with a specific error(s).
    • Carrier(s): Display delivery associated with specific carrier(s). You can select multiple carriers at a time.
    • Location(s): Display delivery associated with a specific Location(s) on your account. You can select multiple Locations if you have more than one.   
  1. Once you've set your filters, click Apply Filter.

Note: You can adjust and apply multiple filters at once to explore specific trends and anomalies. For example, to investigate and monitor messaging delivery for a certain campaign on a specific Location across carriers, you can set the Breakdown filter to Carrier, enter the Campaign ID under Campaign ID, and enter the Location ID under Location(s).


Monitoring delivery

Below the filters, you'll find the line graph displaying your delivery data based on the filters you've set. You can adjust the filters at any time to change how this data is displayed.

To zoom in on any part of the graph, highlight it by clicking and dragging your cursor across that part. To return to the default zoom level, click Reset zoom.


To add or remove values on the graph, hover over the legend in the bottom left corner and click the value you'd like to remove. Click it again to add the value back to the graph.


To view the graph in full screen or download it, click the three lines in the top-right corner and select your preferred option from the drop-down menu.


Further down, you'll find several more charts. The two donut charts display the overall delivery rate and the overall error rate, while the horizontal bar chart breaks down top numbers with errors by error type. 


Questions? Please open a ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team or hit us up at (855) 864-7776! 

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