How do I move phone numbers to a different Sub-account or Location?

Tony Barela


Once you’ve created Sub-accounts and Locations in the Bandwidth App, you can move your phone numbers between them at any time:

  1. Log in to the Bandwidth App.
  2. In the side navigation bar, select Numbers and click My Numbers.
  3. Select the Sub-account and Location you want to search your numbers by and click Search.
  4. Select the numbers you want to move and click Move Numbers.
  5. Select the Sub-account and Location you want to move your numbers to and click Move Numbers again. If your move is successful, you'll see a notification at the top of the page with a View Order link. Clicking that link will redirect you to the Move TNs Order Details page where you’ll see all the standard order information.


If you need to move a single phone number, you can also do it on the Phone Number Details page:

  1. In the Search your account section at the top of the homepage, select Phone numbers.
  2. Enter the phone number and click Search.


  1. In the Search Results section, click the number to navigate to its Phone Number Details page.


  1. Once you're on the Phone Number Details page, navigate to the Move Number section on the right side of the page.
  2. Select the Sub-account and Location you want to move your number to and click Move Number. If your move is successful, you'll see a notification at the top of the page with a View Order link. Clicking that link will redirect you to the Move TNs Order Details page where you’ll see all the standard order information.


Where can I find my Move Numbers order?

There are several sections in the Bandwidth App where you can search for your Move Numbers order:

Search via the homepage

  1. In the top left corner of the homepage, click the magnifying glass icon.
  2. In the Order type field, select Move Phone Number.
  3. Fill out additional information and click Search.


Search via the Search Orders form

  1. In the side navigation bar, select Orders.
  2. At the top of the Orders page, click Search Orders page.


  1. In the Order type field, select Move Phone Number.
  2. Fill out additional information and click Search.


Search via the Move Phone Number Orders section

  1. In the side navigation bar, click Orders.
  2. Scroll down to the Move Phone Number Orders section.
  3. Click the Order ID to learn more about it.

Move Phone Number Orders

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