How do I bulk add or delete endpoints in the Bandwidth App?
What is an endpoint?
An endpoint contains a unique callback number and caller name that, along with the geolocation, are displayed to the Public Safety Access Point (PSAP) at the time of the 911 call. Each endpoint must have a billing geolocation for taxation purposes.
The following article explains how to add or delete endpoints in bulk in the Bandwidth App. If you're looking to add or delete a single endpoint, please see this article instead.
How do I add endpoints to a new geolocation?
- Log in to the Bandwidth App.
- In the side navigation bar, click Emergency.
- Select Dynamic Endpoints and click Add.
- Click Template CSV to download our sample CSV file where you can enter your endpoints.
- Complete columns A (Identifier) through E (LocationID):
- In the Identifier column of the CSV file, enter the Endpoint ID that will be used to identify the endpoint making the 911 service request. Please note that Endpoint IDs are limited to 30 characters and can only contain letters and numbers.
- In the CallerName column, enter the first and last name, or business name, of the contact the PSAP can call when notified of an emergency.
- In the CallbackNumber column, enter the phone number where that contact can be reached. Please use the 10-digit format without spaces, parentheses, or dashes.
- In the PreferredLanguage column, enter English or French.
- In the LocationID column, either enter a new Geolocation ID or leave it blank and one will be auto-generated for you. Please note that Geolocation IDs are limited to 128 characters and can only contain letters, numbers, dashes, underscores, and periods.
- Complete columns F (HousePrefix) through Q (PlusFour) using the address information for the new geolocation.
- Repeat steps 3-4 on a new row for each additional endpoint you want to add.
- Once you've filled out the file, save it in the .csv format and click Import Endpoints.
- Enter a Customer Order ID. Although this is optional, we highly recommend adding it so you can use it later for personal reference.
- Drag and drop the CSV file or click Browse to search for it on your computer.
- Click Add Endpoints.
How do I add endpoints to an existing geolocation?
- In the side navigation bar, click Emergency.
- Select Dynamic Endpoints and click Add.
- Click Template CSV to download our sample CSV file where you can enter your endpoints.
- Complete columns A (Identifier) through E (LocationID) for each endpoint:
- In the Identifier column of the CSV file, enter the Endpoint ID that will be used to identify the endpoint making the 911 service request. Please note that Endpoint IDs are limited to 30 characters and can only contain letters and numbers.
- In the CallerName column, enter the first and last name, or business name, of the contact the PSAP can call when notified of an emergency.
- In the CallbackNumber column, enter the phone number where that contact can be reached. Please use the 10-digit format without spaces, parentheses, or dashes.
- In the PreferredLanguage column, enter English or French.
- In the LocationID column, enter the Geolocation ID of the existing Geolocation ID that you want to associate this endpoint with.
- Leave columns F (HousePrefix) through Q (PlusFour) blank. If any of these columns are populated, you'll get an error when uploading this file.
- Repeat steps 3-4 on a new row for each additional endpoint you want to add.
- Once you've filled out the file, save it in the .csv format and click Import Endpoints.
- Enter a Customer Order ID. Although this is optional, we highly recommend adding it so you can use it later for personal reference.
- Drag and drop the CSV file or click Browse to search for it on your computer.
- Click Add Endpoints.
How do I delete endpoints?
- In the side navigation bar, click Emergency.
- Select Dynamic Endpoints and check the box next to each endpoint you want to delete. If you want to remove all of your endpoints, check the box in the top left corner of the table.
- Click Delete. A countdown will appear at the top of the page. If you change your mind, you'll have 5 seconds to click Cancel before the endpoint is deleted.
Questions? Please open a ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team or hit us up at (855) 864-7776!
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