Number Disconnected - Error Code E27 or Not Active - Error Code E30
You may see this error displayed as the error code of E27 and/or with a message indicating 'Disconnected', 'Number Disconnected', TN not active', or similar.
What does this mean?
The TN or the account holding the TN is considered disconnected or inactive. Sometimes this means that the TN itself is inactive (i.e., rings to a disconnect recording), or that the number(s) is in a status with the current carrier that indicates an inactive account. TNs can be ringing active but still be listed as inactive/disconnected on the account.
How do I resolve it?
All accounts and TNs must be active to port. End User will need to re-activate service with their provider to continue and ensure the TN is correctly provisioned as portable. Once that is completed a new order can be submitted to port.
Important Information:
Leave your phone number and account active with your carrier before requesting to port to another carrier.
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