Why did I receive an error message when trying to make a credit card payment?

Douglas Sessions



If you're receiving an error message when trying to make a credit card payment online, check the following things:

  • The Account Number field should contain the Global Account Number found on the first page of your Bandwidth invoice.
  • The Amount field should contain only numbers and a decimal. Don't put "$" in this field.
  • The Card Number field should contain only numbers. Don't enter any hyphens or spaces.
  • The Bandwidth Account Number for which you'd like to pay should match the one in the top left corner of your invoice.
  • Confirm that the Month and Year fields match your credit card's expiration date.
  • Try using a different browser. Chrome and Firefox tend to work best.
  • If you are still receiving an error after these steps, you should call your card provider. Sometimes payments will be blocked if this is the first time you're using the credit card on our payment portal.

For more information, please see how to pay your Bandwidth invoice online.

If you've tried all of the above and are still experiencing issues, please open a support ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team. 

Note: For the security of your personal and credit card information, Bandwidth doesn't accept credit card payments over the phone or via email. 

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