How do I add or remove LIDB on a phone number?



Line Information Database (LIDB) contains phone numbers and associated outbound calling names, which allows you to display a caller ID when you dial out. This article explains how you can enable or disable the LIDB feature on a phone number in the Bandwidth App. For API information, please see our developer docs.

Looking to add or delete LIDB on multiple phone numbers at once? Check out how to bulk add or remove LIDB on phone numbers.

Note: You can determine which of your phone numbers have LIDB enabled by looking at the LIDB Privacy/Name column in your Full Phone Number Details report.

How do I add LIDB to a phone number?

  1. Log in to the Bandwidth App.
  2. In the Search your account section at the top of the homepage, select Phone numbers.
  3. Enter the phone number and click Search.


  1. In the Search Results section, click the phone number link that will take you to the Phone Number Details page.


  1. Once you're on the Phone Number Details page, scroll down to the LIDB Options section.

LIDB Options

  1. Under Service Type, select whether the number is typically used as residential or business.
  2. Under Display Name, indicate whether you'd like to allow the caller information to be displayed to called parties, or blocked by default.
  3. Under Name, enter the name you'd like to be displayed to called parties. Please note the following requirements:
    • It can't exceed 15 characters, including spaces. 
    • It can't begin with a space, be a phone number, or contain words such as Unavailable or Blocked.
    • Only the following special characters are allowed:
      • . (period)
      • , (comma)
      • & (ampersand)
      • - (dash)
      • _ (underscore)
      • ' (apostrophe / single quote)
  4. Click Save.

Note: LIDB is billed as a non-recurring charge (NRC), which means it's applied when the LIDB submission is made, per telephone number (TN). This is a billable event regardless of whether the information has actually changed. For example, if LIDB information was submitted for 500 TNs, but it only changed on 10 of them, all 500 LIDB events will be billed.

How do I remove LIDB from a phone number?

To remove LIDB from a phone number or to confirm whether it's already been removed, please open a ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team.

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