Billing Detail Record field descriptions

Douglas Sessions


What is a Billing Detail Record?

A Billing Detail Record (BDR) is a report that documents the details of your voice traffic.

How do I download a BDR?

You can download a BDR in the Bandwidth App or via API.

What data is provided in a BDR?

BDR fields and their descriptions are listed in the table below. Feel free to download a sample Statement BDR if you'd like to follow along! 

Note: All times are in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)

Field Example Value Type Length Description
AccountNumber 1234567 varchar 15 Customer account number
CallStartDateTime 2015/09/12 10:03:05 AM
2015/10/19 9:12:46 PM
nvarchar 4000 Date/time the call started - UTC
CallEndDateTime 2015/09/12 10:03:05 AM
2015/10/19 9:12:46 PM
datetime 8 Date/time the call ended - UTC
varchar 21 Usage type categorizing the call
CallSource 1NPANXXXXXX varchar 50 "From" telephone number
CallDestination NPANXXXXXX varchar 50 "To" or dialed telephone number
Duration 198 varchar 20 Length of call in seconds (rounded up to nearest 6)
PerMinRate 0.0115 numeric 5 Per-minute rate in customer contract
Amount 0.05175 numeric 5 Total billed amount of call (before taxes)
TierType 0 varchar 5 Tier associated with inbound calls 
SourceCountry US varchar 10 Country of "from" number
SourceState WA varchar 10 State of "from" number
SourceLATA 650 varchar 10 LATA of "from" number
SourceRateCenter SEATTLE varchar 20 Rate Center of "from" number 
DestinationCountry US varchar 10 Country of dialed number
DestinationState CO varchar 20 State of dialed number
DestinationLATA 656 varchar 10 LATA of dialed number
DesinationRateCenter DENVER varchar 50 Rate Center of dialed number
CallID 58337677151 varchar 15 Call record identifier
BdrID 58337677151 varchar 15 Call record identifier
SourceIP varchar 15 IP tied to "from" number
DestinationIP varchar 255 IP tied to dialed number
RateAttempts 1 numeric   Number of times the call record has been rated
LRN 1NPANXXXXXX varchar 50 Location Routing Number tied to the dialed number (if available) 
LocationID 1234 varchar   Customer Location ID in the Bandwidth App
SubAccountID 1234 varchar  

Customer Sub-account ID in the Bandwidth App

LocationName ABCD varchar  

Customer Location name in the Bandwidth App

SubAccountName ABCD varchar  

Customer Sub-account name in the Bandwidth App

Note: Location IDs and Location names are subject to availability. If an IP is shared by multiple Sub-accounts and Locations, the BDR will only list one Sub-account ID and Sub-account name per line.

What are the different call types?

The following call types can be found in the CallType column in your BDR.

  • Interstate: A call terminated in a different state than the source phone number
  • Intrastate: A call terminated in the same state as the source phone number
  • Toll-free Origination: An inbound call placed to a toll-free number
  • Toll-free Termination: An outbound call placed from a toll-free number
  • Information: 411 & Information Services (operator) calls
  • 911: Emergency call
  • Wholesale Voice Origination (WVO): Inbound call made to Bandwidth customer's non toll-free number
  • International: A call terminated outside of the 50 US states and Canada*

*The classification of particular Canadian locations as Interstate, Intrastate, or International is determined based on your rate deck.

Questions? Please open a ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team or hit us up at (855) 864-7776!

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