Billing Detail Record field descriptions
What is a Billing Detail Record?
A Billing Detail Record (BDR) is a report that documents the details of your voice traffic.
How do I download a BDR?
You can download a BDR in the Bandwidth App or via API.
What data is provided in a BDR?
BDR fields and their descriptions are listed in the table below. Feel free to download a sample Statement BDR if you'd like to follow along!
Note: All times are in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
Field | Example Value | Type | Length | Description |
AccountNumber | 1234567 | varchar | 15 | Customer account number |
CallStartDateTime | 2015/09/12 10:03:05 AM 2015/10/19 9:12:46 PM |
nvarchar | 4000 | Date/time the call started - UTC |
CallEndDateTime | 2015/09/12 10:03:05 AM 2015/10/19 9:12:46 PM |
datetime | 8 | Date/time the call ended - UTC |
varchar | 21 | Usage type categorizing the call |
CallSource | 1NPANXXXXXX | varchar | 50 | "From" telephone number |
CallDestination | NPANXXXXXX | varchar | 50 | "To" or dialed telephone number |
Duration | 198 | varchar | 20 | Length of call in seconds (rounded up to nearest 6) |
PerMinRate | 0.0115 | numeric | 5 | Per-minute rate in customer contract |
Amount | 0.05175 | numeric | 5 | Total billed amount of call (before taxes) |
TierType | 0 | varchar | 5 | Tier associated with inbound calls |
SourceCountry | US | varchar | 10 | Country of "from" number |
SourceState | WA | varchar | 10 | State of "from" number |
SourceLATA | 650 | varchar | 10 | LATA of "from" number |
SourceRateCenter | SEATTLE | varchar | 20 | Rate Center of "from" number |
DestinationCountry | US | varchar | 10 | Country of dialed number |
DestinationState | CO | varchar | 20 | State of dialed number |
DestinationLATA | 656 | varchar | 10 | LATA of dialed number |
DesinationRateCenter | DENVER | varchar | 50 | Rate Center of dialed number |
CallID | 58337677151 | varchar | 15 | Call record identifier |
BdrID | 58337677151 | varchar | 15 | Call record identifier |
SourceIP | | varchar | 15 | IP tied to "from" number |
DestinationIP | | varchar | 255 | IP tied to dialed number |
RateAttempts | 1 | numeric | Number of times the call record has been rated | |
LRN | 1NPANXXXXXX | varchar | 50 | Location Routing Number tied to the dialed number (if available) |
LocationID | 1234 | varchar | Customer Location ID in the Bandwidth App | |
SubAccountID | 1234 | varchar |
Customer Sub-account ID in the Bandwidth App |
LocationName | ABCD | varchar |
Customer Location name in the Bandwidth App |
SubAccountName | ABCD | varchar |
Customer Sub-account name in the Bandwidth App |
Note: Location IDs and Location names are subject to availability. If an IP is shared by multiple Sub-accounts and Locations, the BDR will only list one Sub-account ID and Sub-account name per line.
What are the different call types?
The following call types can be found in the CallType column in your BDR.
- Interstate: A call terminated in a different state than the source phone number
- Intrastate: A call terminated in the same state as the source phone number
- Toll-free Origination: An inbound call placed to a toll-free number
- Toll-free Termination: An outbound call placed from a toll-free number
- Information: 411 & Information Services (operator) calls
- 911: Emergency call
- Wholesale Voice Origination (WVO): Inbound call made to Bandwidth customer's non toll-free number
- International: A call terminated outside of the 50 US states and Canada*
*The classification of particular Canadian locations as Interstate, Intrastate, or International is determined based on your rate deck.
Questions? Please open a ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team or hit us up at (855) 864-7776!
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