How do I update phone number line features?

Suzanna Reid


You may update your phone number line features, such as outbound Caller ID, inbound Caller ID, or Directory Listing/Directory Assistance, using the Phone Number Details page in the Bandwidth App. To do that, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Bandwidth App.
  2. In the Search your account section at the top of the homepage, select Phone numbers.
  3. Enter the phone number and click Search.


  1. In the Search Results section, click the phone number link that will take you to the Phone Number Details page.


  1. Once you’re on the Phone Number Details page, scroll down to view available features that you can make changes to.


Routing allows you to forward and unforward incoming calls to or from an alternate phone number. Check out how to forward and unforward a phone number for more information!


Port-Out Passcode

Port-Out Passcode adds an extra level of security to your on-net phone numbers and helps prevent unauthorized ports. Visit our Port-Out Passcode Protection support article to learn how to add or remove passcode individually and in bulk!


Directory Listing/Directory Assistance (DL/DA)

Directory Listing lets a phone number, user information and/or address to be published in the local White Pages, while Directory Assistance allows it to be added to 411. Check out how to add Directory Listing or Directory Assistance to a phone number for a detailed walkthrough on how to do this.

Note: For time-saving purposes, you can import CNAM, LIDB and call forwarding, as well as to Directory Listing and Directory Assistance in bulk using a .csv spreadsheet.


Outbound Calling Name (LIDB) Information

This feature allows for you to manage the outbound Caller ID display. Once enabled, the Bandwidth CNAM service automatically queries for caller names on inbound calls from service providers who support caller name for their subscribers. Take a look at how to add outbound Caller ID to a phone number to learn more!


SMS Settings

You may enable or disable SMS settings on on individual number or in bulk. You can also have the SMS settings on your new phone numbers to be enabled or disabled by default. For steps on how to do that, check out how to enable or disable SMS settings for a phone number.

Note: If your phone number is in a Location where SMS is disabled for all numbers, you'll need to update the Location before your can enable the SMS setting on that number. For more information, take a look at the steps for enabling SMPP SMS and HTTP SMS!


Questions? Please open a ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team or hit us up at (855) 864-7776!

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