Messaging Detail Records Report

Emma Bradley


What are Messaging Detail Records?

Messaging Detail Records (MDRs) provide a detailed view of SMS message segments and MMS messages associated with your service account. 

How do I download MDRs?

You can download the MDR reports from the Billing tab or the Reports New tab in the Bandwidth App. The former contains legacy MDRs, while the latter has new MDRs along with improved features for downloading them. To download legacy MDR reports, please follow the instructions in this support article. To download new MDR reports, complete the following steps:

  1. Log into the Bandwidth App.
  2. In the side navigation bar, select Insights.
  3. Click Reports New and select Usage.
  4. Under Type, select Messaging.
  5. Under Report Name, select Messaging Detail Records (MDRs).
  6. Under Message Received Time-Start and Message Received Time-End, select or enter the date and time range for the report.
  7. Under Region, the US is selected by default as it’s the only region available at this time.
  8. Under Breakdown, select one of the following options for how you want your data to be separated into more than one file:
    • Automatic is selected by default. When the downloaded data exceeds file row limits, it can be separated into multiple files allowing access to all data.
    • Select Location to download separate files for each Location associated with your service account. If the data exceeds file row limits, multiple files per Location can be created. 
    • Select Sub-Account to download separate files for each Sub-Account associated with your service account. If the data exceeds file row limits, multiple files per Sub-Account can be created. 
  9. Click Advanced Filters to filter your data by additional criteria:
    • Use Campaign ID to filter for a specific 10DLC Campaign.
    • Use Sub-Account ID to filter for specific Sub-Account(s) associated with your service account.
    • Use Location ID to filter for specific Location(s) within your Sub-Account(s).
  10. Click Download Report to begin processing. Once the status in the table below changes to Completed, click the icon under Actions to download the CSV copy of the report (it will be available for 5 days). All reports for this category from the last 30 days will also appear here.

Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 1.18.11 PM.png

MDR report field descriptions

The following table contains the descriptions and example values of the fields in the MDR report. Each row in the report represents either an MMS message or an SMS message segment.

Field Description Example Value
Message Date

This is used for billing purposes to associate a given message to a particular service period based on the date listed here.

Note: Since each record represents a segment, a segmented message could have different service periods for billing.

Message ID This is a unique identifier given to a message. All segments in a message will have the same Message ID. This ID may be used during troubleshooting to identify the message throughout Bandwidth’s systems. 00000000-0000-0000-000000000000
From Number This is the number (in the E.164 format) that initiated the message.  15555551234
To Number This is the number (in the E.164 format) that's receiving the message.  525556667777
Message Type This represents the type of messaging being used. sms, mms
Message Direction This represents the direction of messaging. INBOUND, OUTBOUND
Messaging Product

This is the product associated with your message. Typically, it’s Short Code, Toll-Free, or Local A2P.

A2PLC – Application to Person Long Code (10DLC). Both source and destination numbers are long codes (LC). Typically, the Bandwidth LC (registered for 10DLC) exchanges messages with a wireless LC.

A2PSC – Application to Person Short Code. Messages are exchanged between a Bandwidth short code (SC) and a long code.

A2PTF – Application to Person Toll-Free. Messages are exchanged between a Bandwidth toll-free number (TFN) and a long code.

A2PAN – Application to Person Alphanumeric. 1-way (outbound) A2P traffic from an alphanumeric sender ID is destined to an international long code. 

P2P – Person to Person messages. Both source and destination numbers are long codes. Note: Long code traffic sent to destinations outside of the US is considered P2P (includes Canada). To send P2P traffic in the US, you must have an approved P2P exemption.

P2SC – Person to Short Code. Messages are exchanged between a Bandwidth long code and a short code.

P2TF – Person to Toll-Free. Messages are exchanged between a Bandwidth long code and a TFN.








Message Received Time This represents the date and time Bandwidth received the outbound or inbound message. 2018-11-01T00:07:45.622Z
Message Sent Time (Initial) This represents the date and time Bandwidth first attempted to send the message. 2018-11-01T00:07:45.622Z
Final Message Time When Bandwidth sends a message, it may not always succeed on the first attempt. This is the date and time when the message has finally been sent or a timeout has occurred. 2018-11-01T00:07:45.622Z
Message Billed This indicates whether the message will be considered for billing by the Bandwidth billing system. These records show all messages associated with your account and depending on the status of the message, Bandwidth may not charge you for that message. Y, N
Message Status

This field shows the summary status of a message. Each status has a Y or N to designate whether it's considered billable.

Outbound message statuses:

SENT: The message was successfully sent from Bandwidth. This becomes a terminal status when a delivery receipt (DLR) isn't received from the upstream provider because the customer didn't request it, the upstream provider didn't send it, or Bandwidth didn't receive it during the open window. (Y)

FAILED: The message failed within Bandwidth. For outbound messages, this indicates the message failed to send. For inbound messages, this indicates the message failed to be accepted by the customer. The error code associated with the message indicates the specific issue. (N)

DELIVERED: Bandwidth received a DLR that indicates the message was delivered successfully. (Y)

UNDELIVERED: Bandwidth received a DLR that indicates the message failed or was rejected. The error code associated with the message indicates the specific issue. (Y)

Inbound message statuses:

DELIVERED: DLR is received to indicate the message was delivered successfully. (Y)

ACCEPTED: The message was accepted by the customer. (Y)

FAILED: The message failed to be sent to the customer. (N)






DLR Code

This is a code returned in a delivery receipt (DLR) by the Bandwidth platform. It provides information describing the success or failure of delivering the message to the end user or downstream system.

Note: DLRs are always requested for Messaging API users automatically, but SMPP customers must request them manually. For more information, please see our HTTP, SMPP, and MM4 error codes.

0 - Delivered

902 - Timeout

770 - SPAM Detected

DLR Code Description This is the short description that explains the code received. destination-spam-detected
Message Segments This is the number of segments the long message is broken into when sent or received. A single message may be broken into multiple segments for delivery as dictated by the underlying messaging protocol. The number of characters at which segmentation occurs varies depending on the type of characters used in the message body. For information on character encoding, see this support article. 1
Segment Number This is the segment number of the long message. You can use this field and the attribute MessageSegments to determine which segment this record represents—for example, 1 of 2, 2 of 2. 1
Length of Message Sent This is the length of the messages sent. If the message is across segments, it will show the length of the particular segment the MDR represents. 80
Zone This is the Zone associated with the reach of your message. Based on the Destination Carrier and Country, SMS messages reach the specific zone listed in this field. For more information, see our Messaging Carrier Reach Matrix. 0-5
Source Country This is the country of the “from” number or the message sender. US
Source State This is the state of the “from” number or the message sender. NC
Source LATA This is the Local Access Transport Area (LATA) of the “from” number or the message sender. 426
Destination Country This is the country of the “to” number or the message recipient. US
Destination State This is the state of the “to” number or the message recipient. NC
Destination LATA This is the Local Access Transport Area (LATA) of the “to” number or the message recipient. 426
Carrier Name

This field helps you understand the carrier associated with the message.

Carrier Name may not be present if Bandwidth rejects the message. Any carriers not specifically called out to the right will be marked as Other in the MDRs.


Bell & Virgin

Cellular South


Digicel Caribbean



Freedom Mobile






US Cellular




Campaign Class This is the AT&T campaign class assigned to your campaign. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, K, N, P, S, T, X, Y, Z
Campaign ID This field is specific to 10DLC messaging. If you’re contracted and approved to run 10DLC campaigns, this is the Campaign ID assigned to your campaign. This field will be blank if it doesn't apply to you. user-specific
Location ID This field explains which of your Locations the message is associated with. 536863
Location Name This field provides the location name corresponding to the Location ID the message is associated with. Location ABC
Sub-Account ID This field explains which Sub-Account ID the message is associated with. 987654
Sub-Account Name This field provides the Sub-Account name corresponding to the Sub-Account ID the message is associated with. Sub-Account ABC

This is a unique identifier for each segment of a message which aids in the identification of the message segment if needed.

Note: Each segment of a message has an individual MDR.

Service Account ID This is the ID associated with your Bandwidth App service account. MDRs are aggregated by individual service accounts. 200001
Global Customer Account Number This is the Global Account Number associated with you as the customer. If you have multiple service accounts (Service Account IDs), this allows you to be identified as a single customer. BW-0000000
Sub-Account Customer ID This represents an optional field, Customer ID, associated with a specific Sub-Account. This is a customer-specific value that can be added to Sub-Account(s) to tag usage and charges. 123456
Sub-Account Customer Name This represents an optional field, Customer Name, associated with a specific Sub-Account. This is a customer-specific value that can be added to Sub-Account(s) to tag usage and charges. Name Example

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