How to assign or delete a 10DLC campaign on a phone number
Assigning a campaign to a phone number
- Log in to the Bandwidth App.
- In the Search your account section at the top of the homepage, select Phone numbers.
- Enter the phone number and click Search.
- In the Search Results section, click the phone number to navigate to its Phone Number Details page.
- Once you're on the Phone Number Details page, scroll down to the SMS Settings section.
- Ensure the SMS Enabled toggle is on and the Use location defaults toggle is off.
- Use the A2P Campaign ID drop-down menu to select the campaign you want to assign to this phone number. Once you do that, the A2PLC Message Class field will auto-populate with the message class assigned from The Campaign Registry (TCR). If you don't see the campaign ID in the drop-down menu, it's likely because:
- It hasn't been registered with all Mobile Network Operators (MNOs)
- It's been deactivated and is in Expired status
- The background processing for your campaign has been delayed. This should be resolved within one hour of initial registration. For the full list of statuses and their descriptions, see our Campaign and MNO statuses. For more information on numbers, see how to search and order phone numbers.
- Click Save. A TN option order will be created to provision the phone number to the campaign.
- Once the TN Option order has been completed, your phone number will be fully registered and able to send registered traffic.
- Campaign assignments may take varied durations for processing as they work through downstream partners. This is expected behavior and Bandwidth does not have a means to expedite the processing.
- If your TN option order fails, please review the 10DLC provisioning errors, and open a ticket with our Messaging Support team.
- If you send traffic before a TN option order is successful, you'll be charged at the unregistered surcharge rate. As of December 1, 2024, all numbers must be registered and fully provisioned prior to sending.
Deleting a campaign from a phone number
- Follow steps 1-5 above to navigate to the SMS Settings section.
- Enable the Delete campaign from phone number toggle and click Save.
Important: To properly remove the phone number, please ensure the Use location defaults toggle is off. If the phone number is not properly removed, it may still be seen as tied to the campaign and cause errors when adding additional numbers to it.
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