Bandwidth Support Center
Universal Platform
Phone Numbers
Global Phone Number Porting
Additional information
Country code
Portability coverage
Carrier coverage
Carriers locally based in Chile
Documentation required by Bandwidth
Letter of Authorization (LOA)
Recent invoice (dated within the last three months)
Documentation templates
Chile LOA
Porting lead time
8 business days
Porting time window
8 AM local time
There is no specific porting time window, as carriers prepare for a port overnight before the scheduled date, ensuring that numbers route to new provider on the morning of scheduled port date.
Porting outside of business hours
Not supported
Downtime expectations
Possible rejections
Incorrect end user details
Inactive number
Incorrect documentation
Incorrect company stamp
Porting holidays
New Year's Day
Labor Day
Day of the Chilean Navy
St. Peter and Paul
Virgo Carmen
Assumption Day
National Holiday
Army Day
Day of Discovery of Two Worlds
Reformation's Day
All Saints' Day
Christmas Day
New Year's Eve
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