Lead time can be shorter if the end user has an agreement with the losing carrier to port out their numbers without any contractual obligations.
Porting time window
6 AM to 12 PM for geographic numbers
2 PM to 4 PM for toll-free and shared-cost numbers
Both time windows are defined by the regulator.
Port activation timeline
6 AM to 12 PM for geographic and national numbers
2 PM to 3 PM for non-geographic numbers
Porting outside of business hours
Not supported
Downtime expectations
Limited and can differ per losing carrier
Possible rejections
Incorrect details – the end user needs to correct the name or address.
Missing or incorrect company stamp or signature on the LOA – the end user needs to add/correct the company stamp and/or signature on the LOA.
Incorrect number configuration – the most common rejection reason in Germany. The end user needs to clarify the rejection with the losing carrier.
Inactive numbers
Porting holidays
New Year’s Day (Neujahrstag)
Good Friday (Karfreitag)
Easter Monday (Ostermontag)
Labor Day (Maifeiertag)
Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt, 40 days after Easter)
Whit Monday (Pfingstmontag) – the seventh Monday after Easter, also called Pentecost Monday
Day of German Unity (Tag der Deutschen Einheit)
Reformation Day (Reformationstag) – generally a regional holiday in Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and parts of Thuringia.
Christmas Day (Weihnachtstag)
Saint Stephen’s Day (Stephanstag) – also known as the second day of Christmas
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