Some carriers will route earlier than this porting window.
Port activation timeline
The porting window is 12 PM to 2 PM CET
In the first 30 minutes, the port is being triggered with the losing carrier.
The carrier then has 1 hour after the allotted time to perform tests on their side and provide us an update that the routing has completed.
The last 30 minutes is our window (after receiving confirmation of the routing completion notice), to perform tests on our end and if successful, we mark the request completed.
Porting outside of business hours
Not supported
Downtime expectations
No downtime occurs and we typically don't experience any post-port issues in Spain.
Possible rejections
Numeracion no asignada ni portada al operador donante – number not assigned to the Donor carrier
Tipo de Acceso Incorrecto – access type incorrect (there are 3 access types in Spain - Single, Multi, RED)
Otras causas acordadas por operadores – other causes based on internal reasons from the losing operator
Falta de correspondencia entre numeración y NIF/CIF del abonado del revendedor – incorrect end user details, not specifically the NIF/CIF
Falta de validación por parte del operador revendedor – lack of validation by the reseller
In Spain, Bandwidth receives rejections based on the rejection reasons available to carriers via the Spanish Porting Platform.
Porting holidays
New Year’s Day (Año Nuevo)
Good Friday (Viernes Santo)
Labor Day (Día del Trabajo (also referred to as Worker’s Day)
Assumption of Mary (Asunción de la Virgen)
Spain’s National Day (also referred to as Columbus Day)
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