Using Recording on the Universal Platform

David Preo


What is Recording?

Recording allows you to record calls and store those recordings for later use. This feature can be used to record inbound calls as part of a voicemail, as well as 2-way calls for quality control purposes. Our Recording feature also supports the Start/Stop capability that lets you pause and resume recordings if you want to exclude certain parts of a call from being recorded.

How is Recording billed?

Recording is billed at a flat rate per minute and rounded up in 6-second increments. It will appear on your Bandwidth invoice as “API Voice Recording” and list the number of Recording API calls, combined Minutes of Usage (MOU), as well as the total charge.

How do I add Recording?

Bandwidth offers Recording as part of our Voice API features set. If you’re a Voice API customer, you already have this feature enabled. For information on how to use Recording and other features of our Voice APIs, visit our developer docs.

Questions? Please open a ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team or hit us up at (855) 864-7776!

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