How do I use the Call Logs page?
Call Logs is a Voice Insights page that allows you to access information about your recent calls. Here you can find call detail records that will help you investigate and troubleshoot calls.
Accessing Call Logs
- Log in to the Bandwidth App.
- In the side navigation bar, select Insights and click Voice.
- Select Call Logs.
Note: If you’re unable to access it, please contact your Account Admin to enable the Voice Insights role associated with your account.
Using the Region drop-down menu
The Region drop-down menu lets you filter your message data by one of the following data origins. Please note that US: North America will be selected by default. As you expand your messaging services into Europe or choose to leverage our Alphanumeric messaging services, you’ll be able to select the EU: Europe option to see all the message data for those services.
- US: North America – all message data originating from the US or Canada. This means that if the From Number is US or Canadian on Outbound messages, or the To Number is US or Canadian on Inbound messages, the message data will be automatically available when selected.
- EU: Europe – all message data originating from Europe, Australia, or Alphanumeric messages. This means that if the From Number is European, Australian, or Alphanumeric on Outbound Messages, or the To Number is European or Australian on Inbound messages, the message data will be automatically available when selected.
Navigating Call Logs
Above the filters, you'll find several options that allow you to configure and download Call Logs:
- Clear Filters: This option allows you to clear all of the selected filters.
- Close Filter: This option allows you to expand or collapse the filter panel.
- Timezone: While all calls are recorded in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), this option allows you to filter and display your call data in the timezone that makes the most sense for you.
- Settings: This option opens a window where you can toggle columns on or off to decide which of them should appear in the table. By default, Call ID, Start Time, Duration, SIP Response, Result, From, To, Direction, and Hang Up Source will be shown. You can add or remove any of these columns (except for the Call ID), or add additional ones: Attestation, Call Type, Cost, Post Dial Delay, Packets Sent, Packets Received.
- Download: This option allows you to download your filtered results. Please note that this is limited to 10,000 records.
Using filters
You may refine your search for Call Logs using the following filters. To apply your selection, click Apply Filter.
- Sub-Account
- From Start Time
- To Start Time
- From Number(s)
- To Number(s)
- Call ID
- Result
- Direction
- Hang Up Source
Note: Your results will include records from the past 30 days and a maximum of 10,000 records without filtering. While this data is generally presented in real-time, you may experience delays on high-traffic days.
Understanding Call Logs
Below the filters is a table containing the call data:
- Call ID: The unique ID associated with the call. This is the SIP Call ID; it won’t match the call ID you receive when using the voice APIs to initiate a call.
- Start Time (UTC -04:00): The date and time the call connected or failed to connect.
- Duration: The duration of the call.
- SIP Response: The SIP response that's associated with the call. This includes a code and a short description that will indicate whether the call was successful or the reason the call wasn’t completed.
- Result: This indicates whether a call is complete or incomplete.
- From: This phone number is the sender.
- To: This phone number is the receiver.
- Direction: This indicates whether the call is inbound or outbound.
- Hang Up Source: This indicates whether the call was ended by the called party, calling party, or Bandwidth.
- Attestation Level: The attestation level set by the originating service provider. For more information on STIR/SHAKEN, see our support article.
- Call Type: The type of voice product associated with this call.
- Cost: The estimated cost for the call.
- Post Dial Delay: The time or delay that occurs from the time a number has been dialed until the caller or called party hears ringing.
- Packets Received: The total number of packets received on the customer leg of the calls.
- Packets Sent: The total number of packets sent on the customer leg of the calls.
Understanding the Hang Pp source
There are two primary sources of the hang up:
- Calling party: This indicates the user who initiated the call terminated the call.
- Called party: This indicates the user who was called terminated the call.
On some rare occasions, Bandwidth Internal will be listed as the source of the hang up. This indicates that an internal Bandwidth error may have terminated the call.
Understanding Attestation Level
With STIR/SHAKEN, SIP headers will include a level of confidence indicator from the originating service provider to signal whether the party originating the call has the right to use the number via the attestation field.
There are 3 levels of attestation the originating service provider can indicate:
- Full (A) Attestation - the service provider has authenticated the customer originating the call and they’re authorized to use the calling number.
- Partial (B) Attestation - the service provider has authenticated the customer originating the call but can't verify they’re authorized to use the calling number.
- Gateway (C) Attestation - the service provider has authenticated from where it received the call, but can't authenticate the call source (e.g., International Gateway call).
Understanding Post Dial Delay
Post Dial Delay (PDD) is the time or delay that occurs from the time a number has been dialed until the caller or called party hears ringing. When the call has high PDD, the caller will experience long silence before ringing occurs.
PDD is more common on wholesale termination (LCR) products, which provide an aggressive rating as a result of having multiple carriers attempting to complete the call. It occurs because each carrier can take a few seconds to acknowledge their ability to complete the call. Most carriers consider anything under 7 seconds an acceptable amount of PDD and won't troubleshoot it if it falls within that range.
Questions? Please open a ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team or hit us up at (855) 864-7776!
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