How do I use the Call Summaries page?

Emma Bradley

Call Summaries is a Voice Insights page that allows you to monitor your voice usage.

Accessing Call Summaries

  1. Log in to the Bandwidth App.
  2. In the side navigation bar, select Insights and click Voice
  3. Select Call Summaries.

Note: If you don't have access to the Voice tab, please contact your Account Admin to enable the Voice Insights role associated with your account.


Using the Region drop-down menu

The Region drop-down menu lets you filter your message data by one of the following data origins. Please note that US: North America will be selected by default. As you expand your messaging services into Europe or choose to leverage our Alphanumeric messaging services, you’ll be able to select the EU: Europe option to see all the message data for those services. 

  • US: North America – all message data originating from the US or Canada. This means that if the From Number is US or Canadian on Outbound messages, or the To Number is US or Canadian on Inbound messages, the message data will be automatically available when selected. 
  • EU: Europe – all message data originating from Europe, Australia, or Alphanumeric messages. This means that if the From Number is European, Australian, or Alphanumeric on Outbound Messages, or the To Number is European or Australian on Inbound messages, the message data will be automatically available when selected. 


Using filters

  1. Under Direction, select whether you want to see the data for Outbound or Inbound traffic. 
  2. Under Time Range, use the drop-down menu to select the time range for your data. 
  3. If you’d like to apply additional filters, select Advanced Filters to access the following fields:

    • From Number(s) – the number(s) associated with the party that initiated the call. 
    • To Numbers(s) – the number(s) associated with the party that receives the call.
    • Sub-Account – the Sub-account ID name(s) you’ve set up within your account. 
    • Call Result – the field that shows whether the call was complete or incomplete. Incomplete calls will display an error response code to give you additional insight into why the call was incomplete.
    • Response Code(s) – the response code(s) associated with your call.
    • Timezone – the time zone you want your data to be displayed in. All data is recorded in UTC. 
  1. Click Apply Filters to update the data and graphs below. To clear the filters, select Clear Filter.


Downloading graphs

Below the filters is a list of metrics and corresponding graphs illustrating your filtered Call Summaries data. To download a graph, click the download arrow in the top-right corner and select a file format.


Understanding Call Summaries

The Call Summaries page offers insight into the voice usage on your account and displays any trends or anomalies in your traffic to help you make data-informed decisions. This data is updated every hour and can be viewed up to 13 months back. 

Once you select your preferred Direction, Time Range, and optional Advanced filters, click on any of the available metrics on the list to explore data over time:

  • Total Calls – total calls associated with your account.
  • MOU – total Minutes of Use associated with completed calls.
  • Average Duration – the average duration (in minutes) of the calls associated with the account.
  • Total Spend – total spend for all billable calls on your account. Please note that this information can be delayed by 12 hours compared to other data on this page.

Common actions

Here are some common ways you can use the Call Summaries page:

  • Monitor phone number(s) usage – use the From Number(s) filter to explore the usage, total calls, minutes, average duration, and total spend across any number on your account. 
  • Monitor Sub-account usage – use the Sub-Account filter to explore the usage for Sub-accounts associated with your account.

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