Voice Billing Detail Records report

Brad Allen

What are Voice Billing Detail Records?

Voice Billing Detail Records (BDRs) provide a detailed view of billable voice calls associated with your service account. You can use BDRs to reconcile your invoice.

How do I download Voice BDRs?

  1. Log in to the Bandwidth App.
  2. In the side navigation bar, select Insights.
  3. Click Reports New and select Charges.
  4. Under Type, select Voice.
  5. Under Report Name, select Voice BDRs
  6. Use Call Date-Start and Call Date-End to define the date range of the BDRs you want to download (you can set the Call Date-Start date to up to 12 months back). For the current month, you can download all available records month-to-date. Please note that data may be delayed by a few hours. 
  7. Under Region, select whether you want to download the data for the US or EU.
  8. Click Advanced Filters to filter your data by additional optional criteria:
    • Under Source Country, select a country or territory a call was placed from.
    • Use Destination Country, select a country or territory a call was placed to.
  9. Click Download Report to begin processing. Once the Status column in the table below shows Completed, click the icon under the Actions column to download the CSV copy of the report (it will be available for 5 days). All reports for this category from the last 30 days will also appear here.


Voice BDRs report field descriptions

The following table contains the descriptions and example values of the fields in the Voice BDRs report.

Note: All times are in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

Field Description Example Value
Account Number Customer account number 1234567
Call Start Date Time Date/time the call started - UTC 2024-07-16 01:34:46.000
Call End Date Time Date/time the call ended - UTC 2024-07-16 01:38:12.000
Product Name Charge description as it appears on the invoice

International, Interstate, Origination - Tier 0

Call Source "From" telephone number +15555551234
Call Destination "To" or dialed telephone number +15555554321
Duration Length of call in seconds 198
Per Min Rate Per-minute rate in customer contract 0.0011100
Amount Total billed amount of call (before taxes) 0.0034410
Source Country Country of "from" number; 2-character abbreviation US
Destination Country Country of “to” or dialed number; 2-character abbreviation US
Bdr ID Call record identifier 58337677151
Source IP IP tied to the "from" number
Destination IP IP tied to the “to” or dialed number
RateAttempts Number of times the call record has been rated 1
Unique Record ID Unique Record ID defined in the Call Detail Record (CDR); can be used to relate the BDR report to the CDR report a7109fb69fb83a00accce0980f1aaa0ebxwmz6alaoqd628

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