Creating Requirements Packages on the Universal Platform
Regulators in several countries require validation of end users in order to activate services on a phone number. These requirements can vary by country, number type, and end user type. Our Requirements Packages (RP) help reduce complexity and streamline this process so you can focus on enabling services. Each package contains the requirements for validating end users in a given use case, including some combination of end-user details, an address, and supporting documents, which can be accessed anytime via the Bandwidth App or API.
If a phone number on an account requires end-user validation, you must validate each end user for a particular country and number before service activation by creating a package. Once the package has been submitted for review and verified, you can assign it to a compatible phone number for activation.
Since RPs contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII), we’ve created roles that allow the account admin to manage the visibility of end-user data across account users by assigning each of them one of the following roles:
- Requirements Package Viewer – the user can view all packages and associated end-user data but can’t create or modify packages.
- Requirements Package Manager – the user can view all packages and associated end-user data, and can also create and modify packages.
Note: Users without either role can still assign packages to phone numbers but they will only be able to see non-PII, basic package information like the package name.
How to view an existing Requirements Package
- Log in to the Bandwidth App.
- In the side navigation bar, select Service Management and click End-User Validation.
- To filter the list of packages, click Filter and use any of the following criteria: Package ID, Package name, Country, Number type, or End-user type. In this example, we’ll use the Package ID.
- To view more information about a package, click on its Package ID. Here you’ll be able to see all the details, including end-user details, address, documents, and any admin comments made visible to customers. For more details on creating and managing RPs via API, visit our dev docs guide.
How to create a new Requirements Package
- On the End-User Validation page, click Add.
- To add a new RP, complete the required fields, click Next, and then Confirm.
Note: If a country or number type is not available, it means either there are no end-user validation requirements for that country and phone number type, or the account is not enabled for purchasing/porting phone numbers for that country and phone number type. If an end-user type is not available, it means this type of end user is not supported on this account for this country and phone number type.
- Now you’ll be prompted to provide the requirements. You can do this in any order, and the red error icons at the bottom of the screen will become green as each requirement is fulfilled. In this example, you’re required to provide end-user details, address, and documents. End-user Details, click Attach An End-User.
- Next to End-user Details, click Attach an End-User. Then fill out the required fields and click Confirm & Attach End User.
- Next to Address, click Attach an Address. Then select Create New Address (or Search Existing Addresses to add an existing one), complete the required fields, and click Continue.
Note: The address location (local, national, or worldwide) requirement can be found in the Address table on the previous page:
- The local address must correspond to the geographical location of the phone numbers that will be activated with the package.
- The national address must be located in the country of the phone numbers.
- The worldwide address can correspond to any country, except for those listed in the Location exception column of the Address table.
- Next to Documents, click Attach Document and select the file to upload. If there’s more than one requirement, please provide a document for each one.
- Once you’ve provided all the necessary information, the requirements at the bottom of the screen will have green checkmarks. To submit the package for review and approval, click Submit and then Confirm.
Note: You may exit the page at any time and your progress will be saved, but your package must be in a Submitted state before it can be approved for use to activate services.
- Once the package's verification status is Submitted, it can’t be edited and will undergo review by the Bandwidth Compliance Team. If its verification status is Verification Failed, our team will add a comment explaining the reason for rejection so you can make the necessary updates and resubmit it.
Once the verification status is Verified, you can attach the package to one or more phone numbers under the same country, number type, and local region (as required) to represent the end user who is assigned the number. See Managing Service Activation on the Universal Platform for more information.
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