How do I create a Voice API application?
To begin using your Bandwidth Dashboard numbers for Voice APIs, you first need to create a Voice application and then associate it with your phone number’s location:
- Log into the Bandwidth Dashboard.
- Create a sub-account.
Note: If you already have a sub-account that you want to associate with this application, you can skip this step. However, if you'd like to create a new one for this specific application, please follow these steps.
- In the top navigation bar, select Applications.
- Provide the Application name (we recommend you use something that identifies what the application will do).
- Under Application type, select Voice.
Note: Once your application is created, you won’t be able to change the application type.
- Enable the Use a callback username and password checkbox if you’d like to use a callback username and password.
Note: Your password won’t be visible after leaving this screen. Store it securely for your use or return here to create a new one.
- Under Call initiated callback method, select GET or POST
- Optional: Under Call status callback method, select GET or POST
- Enter a Call initiated callback URL (invoked when a call is initiated)
- Optional: Enter a Call status callback URL (currently this is invoked when a call is terminated, but other status events may be added in the future)
- If you checked the Use a callback username and password, please enter Callback user ID and Callback password. These credentials will be used by your server to authenticate callbacks
- Click Create Application.
Next, you need to associate your new location with your Voice application.
- In the top navigation bar, click Account and then select Locations.
- Select your Sub-account.
- Provide a uniquely identifiable Location name.
- Optional: Add a Description.
- Under Voice Protocol, select HTTP Voice.
- Under Associated Voice Application, select one of the applications you've previously created.
- Adjust all other settings based on your preferred specifications.
- Click Create Location.
Question? Please reach out to your Bandwidth Support Team or hit us up at (855) 864-7776!
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