What reports are available in the Bandwidth App?
You can use the Bandwidth App to pull useful reports about your account activity. To download these reports:
- Log in to the Bandwidth App.
- In the side navigation bar, select Insights and click Reports.
- Click the report you want to download, fill out additional information, and select Start Report.
- Your report will be generated on the right side of the page. Click the download button next to it to download it.
What reports are available?
Active Messaging Enabled
Details of phone numbers with active messaging for the particular snapshot date. This includes the full list of hosted messaging numbers on an account.
Note: To see the information in the Is Hosted and Campaign ID columns, please make sure to set the snapshot date to the current day. If the snapshot date is anything other than today, these fields may display a N/A or null value.
Alternate Caller ID E911 Report
E911 detail information for accounts that use an alternative identifier for the end user.
Disconnected Phone Numbers
Information about all phone numbers that have been disconnected from the account. This includes TN, Order ID, Order Status, Disconnected User, Created Date, and the TN count.
E911 Dynamic Location Routing Addresses
A list of all E911 addresses provisioned to an account. The list of addresses shown is only for Dynamic Location Routing-enabled accounts.
E911 Phone Number Details
E911 information associated with phone numbers within the report's scope. This includes TN, Site (Sub-account) ID, SIP Peer ID (Location ID), Status, Caller Name, Address Type, and Address.
End-User Phone Number Assignment
A list of phone numbers and their end-user assignment statuses.
External Phone Number Details
Complete information about customer-provided phone numbers within the report’s scope. These numbers have Bandwidth services enabled but aren't necessarily Bandwidth numbers. This report includes TN, Vendor, Account, Sub-Account, Location, Status, Order Date, SMS, and more.
Full Phone Number Details
Complete information about all phone numbers within the report’s scope. Some of the information includes services that are associated with a number (SMS, CNAM, etc.), the number's in-service status, the order date, and more.
International TN Inventory Summary
Summary of international telephone numbers.
IRIS Account Manager Utilization Report
Insight into the current utilization and assignment data associated with the Bandwidth App phone number inventory.
New Numbers
Phone number details for historic or current new number orders.
Number Utilization Telephone Number List Report
A list of all phone numbers that appear to be underutilized and unassigned.
Provisioned Telephone Numbers
This report can be found under New Reports in the Bandwidth App. The Provisioned Telephone Numbers report will provide insight on the provisioning status of telephone numbers on your account. Details will include the 10DLC Campaign Status if assigned to a telephone number.
Phone Number Inventory
A list of all phone numbers associated with an account.
Port-In Orders
Phone number details for historic or current port-in orders.
Port-Out Orders
Phone number details for historic or current port-out orders.
Protected Phone Numbers Report
A simple report that lists all of the protected TNs on an account, as well as their status.
Telephone Number Route Plan Report
This report lists all of the route plans that are active for the indicated account.
UC Account Summary
Detailed account information for a given UC account.
User Information
Information about all active and inactive users for your account.
Voice Phone Number Inventory
A list of all phone numbers provisioned with voice associated with an account. This includes traditional and hosted voice-enabled numbers.
Questions? Please open a ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team or hit us up at (855) 864-7776!
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