What are rate decks and how can I use them?

Sam Phillips


What are rate decks?

Rate decks are used to appropriately price traffic in different locations. Since costs associated with different call destinations are different, so are the corresponding rates. Rate decks are generally sent to you via email but you can also retrieve them by reaching out to your Bandwidth Account Manager or opening a ticket with your Bandwidth Billing Team.

Domestic rate deck example

NPANXX Interstate Rate Intrastate Rate
XXXXXX $$$ $$$

International rate deck example

Prefix International Rate
XXXX $$$

Toll-free Origination rate deck example

Customer ID Billed Prefix  Effective Date Retail Rate Description Archive Date Time UTC Entry Date Time Entry User ID Rate Deck Name

How can I use my rate deck? 

You can use your rate deck to analyze how the rates in your Billing Detail Record (BDR) are applied. As you conduct your analysis, please keep these tips in mind:

  • To easily isolate the type of call in the BDR that you are looking to compare the rates for, filter for the specific call type in column C of the BDR that matches the type of deck you are looking at.
  • Column A in both the BDR and the rate deck must show the same provisioning account ID number.

How do I use my LRN rate deck?

  • When dealing with an LRN deck, it's important to match column A (NPANXX) in the rate deck with the NPANXX of column X (LRN) in the BDR.
  • Once you have confirmed that you're looking at lines with the same LRN, go to column B/C depending on if it is Interstate or Intrastate in the rate deck, and confirm that the rate there is the same as the rate for the given line in column H (Per Min Rate) in the BDR.
  • If there is no LRN provided in the LRN column of the BDR, then the call will be rated off of the NPANXX of the destination phone number (TN). If the LRN and destination TN listed in the BDR isn't in the rate deck, then the call will be rated off of the default rate.

How do I use my LATA rate deck?

  • When dealing with a LATA deck, you want to match column Q (Destination LATA) in the BDR to column B (Lata) in the LATA rate deck.
  • All LATA decks contain a default rate. This rate is charged when a LATA is called that isn't within the deck.

How do I use my International rate deck?

  • When using an International rate deck, compare the NPANXX of the destination TN, found in column F (Call Destination), of the BDR to the prefix column in the rate deck.
  • If no rate is found when using the full NPANXX, try the NPANX, or NPAN, etc. 

How do I use my Toll-free Origination rate deck?

  • If you are using a TFO rate deck, match the NPAN of the source TN, found in column E (Call Source), in the BDR to the billed prefix in column B (Billed Prefix) of the TFO rate deck.
  • If the source TN isn't listed in the rate deck, it will be rated off of the default rate. This rate will be marked by an "*" in the billed prefix column of the rate deck. 

Note: It's important to remember that the Daily BDR report might be delayed a few days as traffic can take time to rate fully. To find the billing detail that ties directly with your Bandwidth invoice, take a look at the Statement BDR data that can be found in the Bandwidth App.  

Questions? Please open a ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team or hit us up at (855) 864-7776!

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