How do I add an authorized user on an account?
To add an authorized user on an account, you must be an authorized user yourself. So if you're not already authorized and want to be, please contact the authorized user in your organization and have them follow the process below. You may also submit a notarized letter of authorization (see Option 2).
If you don't know who the authorized user is, please submit a ticket to the Bandwidth Support Team explaining your need, and we'll reach out to someone on your account for you.
How do I add an authorized user?
There are two options for adding an authorized user on an account:
Option 1
Submit a ticket to your Bandwidth Support Team and include the following information for the user you'd like to authorize on an account:
- Full name
- Contact role (Primary, Technical, Billing)
- Job title
- Full address (including city, state, country, and zip code)
- Contact number(s)
- Email address
Note: The ticket has to be submitted by an authorized user.
Option 2
Submit a ticket to your Bandwidth Support Team with a notarized letter of authorization that contains the information for the user you'd like to authorize on an account.
Note: The letter of authorization can be attached by either authorized or an unauthorized user.
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