How do I add or remove phone numbers on a port order?

Durham Castellaw


This article explains how to add or remove phone numbers on an on-net port. If you need to add or remove phone numbers on an off-net or internal port, please cancel and resubmit your order. For more information, see our best practices for adding or removing phone numbers on a port order.

To add or remove phone numbers on a port order:

  1. Log in to the Bandwidth App.
  2. In the side navigation bar, click Orders and select a port order you'd like to edit.


Note: You can also search for a port order by clicking the magnifying glass icon in the top-left corner of the homepage and selecting Port-in from the Order type drop-down menu.


  1. Once you select an order, it'll take you to that order's Port-In Order Details page.
  2. Scroll down to the Phone Numbers section and click Edit Numbers (if it's not an eligible on-net order, this option will be unavailable). 


  1. This will take you to the Edit Numbers for this Port page where you can enter the numbers you want to add or remove from the port order. When entering phone numbers, please separate them with commas or spaces.


  1. We'll perform some basic checks to confirm the eligibility of the number(s) that are being added or removed. This will help confirm that no duplicate numbers are added, as well as ensure that carriers remain the same and port types don’t interfere with each other.
  2. Once the supplement (SUPP) has been received, you'll see a page with your number(s) added or removed.

Note: Please remember that adding or removing phone numbers from port orders sends another SUPP out to the carrier for approval and should follow all the best practices for each supplement type.

Questions? Please open a ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team or hit us up at (855) 864-7776!

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