How to be a good steward of consecutive phone number ordering
At Bandwidth, we aim to make your phone number ordering experience seamless and intuitive. That’s why we’re glad to announce that you no longer need to manipulate spreadsheets to search and order consecutive phone numbers, but can instead use our new Consecutive Number Searching feature by accessing the Buy Phone Numbers page in the Bandwidth App. We hope this will help advance your immediate business needs to activate services with Bandwidth!
Now that it’s easier to search and order consecutive numbers than ever before, you may be tempted to order and hold onto a larger quantity of numbers in your inventory. However, please keep in mind Bandwidth’s golden rule of phone number ordering: Numbers are a public resource, so only order the phone numbers that you need and intend to use.
Important: If Bandwidth has concerns about your use of the Consecutive Number Searching feature, we’ll reach out to you in an attempt to resolve the issues in good faith. However, if these concerns are not addressed, you may be restricted from using this feature in the future.
In addition, please review the following best practices:
- Treat phone numbers as the finite resource that they are: Only obtain phone numbers in amounts that are reasonably necessary for you and, if applicable, your end users and/or subscribers.
- Assign your phone numbers to a user or subscriber: We’ll monitor the usage of the numbers provisioned by us to you during the preceding ninety (90) days (or any other period determined by Bandwidth) and manage any that we reasonably believe to be Intermediate Numbers in accordance with the applicable industry guidelines.
- Keep track of your End-User Number Utilization Reporting: This can help you determine which phone numbers you no longer need. If you don’t have access to this feature and would like to add it to your account, please open a ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team.
- Sell services with phone numbers, never just phone numbers alone: Please remember that phone numbers are provisioned to you for use in valid communication services, and you’re not allowed to use Bandwidth’s numbering resources solely for the purpose of buying/selling the phone numbers alone.
- Please review the FAQs below.
What is Consecutive Number Searching?
The Consecutive Number Searching feature allows you to search and order consecutive groups of phone numbers in the Bandwidth App, with a maximum amount of 100 numbers per search.
Are there any limitations to how I can use the Consecutive Number Searching feature?
Your contractual terms will still apply to all aspects of your origination services. In particular, you agree to only obtain phone numbers from Bandwidth in amounts reasonably necessary for you and, if applicable, your end users and/or subscribers.
What may happen if I don’t use the Consecutive Number Searching feature properly?
If Bandwidth has concerns about your usage of this feature, we’ll reach out to you in an attempt to resolve the issues in good faith. However, if these concerns are not addressed, you may be restricted from using the Consecutive Number Searching feature in the future.
Am I allowed to order and hold Consecutive Numbers in my inventory indefinitely?
No. Bandwidth will monitor your usage of any phone numbers provisioned by us to you during the preceding ninety (90) days (or any other period determined by Bandwidth). We’ll manage any numbers we believe to be Intermediate Numbers in accordance with the applicable industry guidelines.
What is an Intermediate Number?
An Intermediate Number is a phone number provisioned by Bandwidth to you that can’t be appropriately shown to have been assigned to an end user and/or subscriber. We may notify you if we determine that your Intermediate Number(s) prevent (or are reasonably anticipated to prevent) Bandwidth from obtaining phone numbers from the North American Number Plan Administrator (NANPA), Number Pooling Administrators, FCC and/or any applicable Public Utility Commission (PUC).
What happens if Bandwidth is unable to order more phone numbers?
We’ll review your Intermediate Numbers with you. If we determine that we’re required to reclaim your previously ordered numbers, then we’ll provide you with a written notice fourteen (14) days prior to taking any action in accordance with your contractual terms.
What behaviors may constitute abuse beyond excessive non-use of phone numbers?
Please remember that phone numbers are provisioned to you for use in communication services, and you’re not allowed to use Bandwidth’s services for the intended purpose of buying/selling phone numbers alone. Abuse of the Consecutive Number Searching feature for the sole purposes of brokering or selling numbering resources will result in the revocation of your access to it and may result in the termination of your contract.
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