How do I create UC Sub-accounts and Locations in the Bandwidth App?

Suzanna Reid



Sub-accounts help organize your phone number inventory to make grouping services a little easier. If you think of your account as a filing cabinet, these are the drawers. You can organize them based on customer, end user, geographical location, or another preferred method. Many users choose to keep a single Sub-account, while others have two to represent Development and Production environments.

To create a Sub-account:

  1. Log in to the Bandwidth App.
  2. In the side navigation bar, click Account and select Sub-Accounts.
  3. Under Sub-Account Settings, enter the required information and click Create Sub-Account.


UC settings for Cloud accounts

  • If you're adding a Sub-account for UC Cloud, you'll see an additional UC Settings section that lists the number of trunks. If you'd like to change it, you can do so under Trunk Settings in the side navigation bar.


UC settings for Seats accounts

  • If you're adding a Sub-account for UC Seats, you'll see an additional UC Settings section that shows the number of minutes per seat per month. A seat enables an end user to have a unique phone number in conjunction with the features of 911, minutes of usage per month, and inbound caller ID. One of the following options will be preset based on your contract:
    • UC250: 250 minutes per seat per month
    • UC500: 500 minutes per seat per month
    • UC1000: 1,000 minutes per seat per month



A Location is where you provision your signaling IP addresses, your default 911 address, and other phone number routing settings. When a number is added to a Location, it inherits the settings and properties of that Location.

  • You can create new Locations to organize your phone number inventory and configure your IP addresses for Voice and Messaging.
  • You must have a Sub-account and a Location to start ordering phone numbers.
  • Your phone numbers will inherit the 911 address that you provision here. You may update this per phone number as needed.

To create a Location:

  1. In the side navigation bar, click Account and select Locations.
  2. Under Create Location, complete the following fields:
    • Name: Enter the name of this Location. During a 911 call, the Location name will appear to the 911 operator. If you need the 911 Caller Name to be different from the Location name, you can adjust it on the Phone Number Details page.
    • Description: Add additional context for how you will use this Location (optional).
    • Sub-account: Select a Sub-account that you want to associate with this Location.
    • Default location: Turn this switch on if you'd like this to be the primary Location. It means that when you order and port, this Location will show up first after you select your Sub-account.


Unified Communications (UC)

This is where you enter the 911 address for the Location. Once a phone number is ordered or ported into your Bandwidth account, it'll be provisioned with the 911 address you've set on the Location. Consider the 911 address on the Location as the default setting because you can update each phone number as needed, if a particular number has a different address.

Note: The last field, UC Premise Trunks, is only visible for UC Premise accounts. Here, you need to specify the number of concurrent calls for your account (a minimum of 1 per Location). Each trunk is defined as a single concurrent channel or session. Bandwidth will count up all of the UC Premise Trunks that you specify across all of your Locations, and this will become the total quantity of concurrent calls for your account. 

For information on how do add trunk setting on a UC Cloud account, check out this support article.


Origination settings

  • CNAM display (Caller ID): If you subscribe to the inbound CNAM per number feature, this switch lets you determine whether end users can view inbound caller ID information on their phone. When you set it On or Off on this page, it means all phone numbers on the Location will inherit this setting by default. You can update line features on numbers individually from the Phone Number Details page.
  • Enforced for all numbers: If you enable this toggle, you're opting to remove the option to update the phone numbers individually.
  • Traffic distribution mechanism: Each Location is required to either have both Origination and Termination IP addresses or none. For example, if Termination hosts are provided, you'll also need to add Voice hosts for Origination. Here's what each option means:
    • None: Supports only one IP address or DNS host.
    • Random: Supports up to 10 IPs. The system will signal to the IPs in a random order, similar to round-robin.
    • Sequential failover: Supports up to 10 IPs. Traffic will failover on the IPs in the order in which they're entered.
  • Voice IP addresses / DNS hosts: This is where you enter the endpoint IP address or DNS host. 


Termination settings

Let’s talk about whitelisting Termination IP addresses for your accounts. There are 3 different types of UC accounts that carry their own unique provisioning rules. Please make sure to match up the account type listed below with your particular setup.

Termination settings for UC Premise

  1. Set your International Calling Restrictions.
  2. Enter your IP address in the Termination hosts field.
  3. If you need to add additional IPs, click +Add IP Address.

Important: Please provide a unique Termination IP address for each new Location on your account. Each Location on your UC Premise account must have a unique Termination IP address. If you attempt to provide the same IP address on two of your Locations, you'll see a Termination IP is in the specified subnet range and is already in use error. If you run into a situation where a group of phone numbers needs to have unique 911 addresses, you can update each phone number as-needed from the Phone number details page.


Termination settings for UC Cloud

  1. Set your International Calling Restrictions
  2. Enter your IP address in the Termination hosts field. The first Termination host that you provide is the default for your account and is shared across all Locations.

Important: All of the Locations on your Cloud account will share this IP address and its International Calling Restrictions setting. Any changes you make to the International Calling Restrictions or the first Termination host will be applied globally.

  1. If you'd like to add additional Termination hosts on the Location, click +Add IP Address. These can either be the same IP address that you’ve provisioned on other Locations within your Cloud account or unique ones.


Termination settings for UC Seats

  1. Set your International Calling Restrictions
  2. Enter your IP address in the Termination hosts field. These can either be the same IP address that you’ve provisioned on other locations within your Seats account or unique ones. There are no restrictions to govern sharing IP addresses between Locations as you’ll see with a Premise account.
  3. If you'd like to add additional IPs, click +Add IP Address.


Now that you’ve created your Location, we recommend that you order a phone number to ensure that routing is working as intended.

SMS and MMS settings

Please see our steps for enabling SMPP SMS and MM4 Messaging and HTTP SMS and MMS Messaging APIs.

Next steps

Now that you’ve set up your Sub-account and added your first Location, we recommend that you order a phone number to ensure that routing is working as intended.

Questions? Please open a ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team or hit us up at (855) 864-7776!

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