How to register a brand for 10DLC


Emily Champion


Note: This information is subject to change based on the requirements of The Campaign Registry.

This article explains how to register your brand(s) for 10DLC in the Bandwidth Dashboard. To learn more about brands, see Registering brands and campaigns for 10DLC. For an overview of 10DLC, check out our 10DLC Overview.

Registering a brand is a one-time setup that you'll be asked to do only if you have yet to complete it. You'll also be asked if you're a reseller or not. A reseller is someone who supports multiple brands besides their own. They're reselling Bandwidth's services and will be able to register additional brands besides their own. 

Registering your brand

  1. Log into the Bandwidth Dashboard and select Campaigns in the top navigation bar. If you haven't registered your brand yet, you'll be directed to the Local A2P page.

Note: If you don't see the Campaigns tab, your account may not yet be enabled. Please open a support ticket or reach out to your Account Manager for assistance.

  1. Click Register My Brand to begin the brand registration process.

Campaign landing page

  1. Complete the Brand Details form and click Next.

Brand details

  1. Complete the Brand Contact Details section. 
    • If you're a direct customer and won't be managing brands and campaigns for other companies, you can select I'm a direct customer and click Register to register your brand.

Register my brand direct

    • If you're a reseller, you can select I'm a reseller, fill out the required information, and click Register to submit your reseller details and register your Brand. If you need to register additional Brands beyond your own, you NEED to select that you are a reseller. There is no additional fee to be a reseller. 

Register my brand reseller

  1. After successfully registering your brand, you'll be directed to the Brands page. If you're a direct customer, you'll only see your brand. If you're a reseller, you'll see your brand and your customer brands.

Brand list page

Registering customer brand

If you're a reseller, you can add as many customer brands as you'd like. On the Brands page, click Add Customer Brand, enter the brand details, and click Register.

As of November 1, 2022, Bandwidth will no longer allow Sole Proprietor brands to be registered through us. 

Register customer brand

Editing brand

To edit either your brand or your customer brand, click the Edit button next to the brand you'd like to update. This will bring up the Brand Details form where you can make your edits.

Note: Certain brand fields are not editable once they've been registered and may trigger a re-score of the brand from TCR.

Edit my brand

Questions? Please open a ticket with your Bandwidth Support Team or hit us up at (855) 864-7776!

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