Messaging test plan
FollowOutbound messages
Test sending basic messages
Completed message
- Ensure sending messages to different carriers (non-Bandwidth numbers)
- Test sending FROM a local number
- Test sending FROM a toll-free number (if applicable)
Test MPS throughput
- Test sending FROM local numbers at 1MPS
- Test sending FROM toll-free numbers at a rate higher than 1MPS (if contracted for it)
Share campaign details with Bandwidth team member(s)
Ensure campaign details align with:
- CTIA guidelines
- FTC text message spam guidelines
- Do not send SHAFT Content: Sex, Hate, Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco (cannabis, CBD, etc.)
- Do not use links. Private/custom URLs are more widely accepted within the industry
Test sending MMS messages (if contracted for it)
- Test sending FROM local numbers at 1MPS
- Test sending FROM toll-free numbers at a rate higher than 1MPS (if applicable and enabled for it)
Test understanding of status codes found in the documentation
- Messaging status codes (HTTP)
- Messaging status codes (SMPP)
Test understanding of delivery receipt types and the carrier reach matrix
- Handset delivery report (Toll-free SMS/MMS)
- Carrier delivery report (10DLC SMS/MMS)
- Bandwidth carrier reach matrix
Inbound messages
- Ensure applications are configured correctly. HTTP Messaging relies on our customers setting up applications correctly in the Bandwidth App to send and receive messages.
Local DID testing
- Ensure messages sent TO numbers in an account are routing properly via applications
Toll-free testing
- Ensure messages sent TO numbers in an account are routing properly via applications
Note: Please be aware that if the sending numbers are not assigned to a campaign (10DLC) or toll-free (TF) verified, an increase in the number of message blocks will occur.
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